Stepping Stones

Stepping Stones Stepping Stones
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Brief Description: This is a narrative saga of two immigrants from Korea to Hawaii. The factors that led to their departure, each leaving for a new life alone and unaware of what awaited them, are developed delving into the cultural and sociological realities of the circumstances unique to each of them. The male meets the female in Hawaii and they wed. Their life together, forging a way along unknown paths of cultural integration in the multiracial community of Hawaii together with their successes and occasional failures are developed to give the true, full panoramic view of what these immigrants experienced in their new world. The steps they took in planting a Korean heritage in a lineage that was to expand in the new world should be of interest to readers on both sides of the cultures of the East and West. The issues they faced and tackled and the growth of this family's genealogy in just three generations should be of interest to readers residing throughout the Pacific Rim.
Product ID: 104558     ISBN-10: 1565911849
Category: Novel
Supporting language: English
Applicable country: Korea (South)
Platforms/media types: Printed Matter
Specifications: 212pp. 140x214mm. softcover.

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